Los Angeles Motivational Keynote Speaker – Doug Dvorak
Doug Dvorak is also a well-known Motivational Speaker that uses a balanced mixture of humor and professionalism to deliver customized presentations, workshops and training programs throughout California (including San Diego and Los Angeles). Doug speaks Internationally and has visited over 100 countries on 5 different continents. He is considered to be one of Americas top motivational keynote speakers and speaks frequently as a professional Los Angeles motivational speaker.
Pumping the audience full of ambition with intricate stories and encouragement through learned and practiced creative tactics is what Doug does as a Los Angeles California Keynote Speaker. His messages are well received and are carried on through the audience long after the presentation has ended. Doug has studied the art and science behind motivation through books, classes and as a teacher for over 20 years.
Contact Doug to facilitate a free 1-hour consultation for your company or organizations next event, conference or gathering. Want to learn more about the man behind the mask? Meet Doug Dvorak.
Los Angeles Keynote Speaker
Mr. Dvorak provides keynotes and sales training programs in Los Angeles that focus on learning the art of the sale inside and out. These programs are designed to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of an individual sales professional or group of sales professionals.
Thousands of organizations have engaged Doug to help them improve their sales process, sales management, and sales teams.
Gauge your organization’s selling techniques and optimize your sales force by taking one of the following assessments offered by Doug’s sales training organization, The Sales Coaching Institute.
Doug was a sales executive for over 20 years. He has been in the position of a salesman, he has been in the position of a sales manager, he has even been a senior level executive of sales and marketing with firms such as IBM, Eventra, & WorldNet. Furthermore, Doug is the owner of The Sales Coaching Insitute. Through years of hands-on experience. Doug has gathered vital professional selling and sales management knowledge and techniques that he enjoys sharing as a Professional Los Angeles sales speaker. What’s better than having a professional speaker that has also lived the art and learned the science of professional selling?
Doug Dvorak is the Founder of The Sales Coaching Institute
To learn more about Doug’s sales programs visit www.salescoach.us – The Sales Coaching Institute. Programs include sales training, sales keynotes, sales management training, sales compensation consulting, one-on-one sales coaching, executive sales recruiting and more!
Some of Doug’s Speaking Client’s Include:
Los Angeles Leadership Speaker
Throughout his life and career, Doug has been a mentor and leader. His speaking career provides him an avenue to share his leadership experiences, techniques and best practices with like-minded individuals, groups, and corporate teams. Doug is a one of a kind Los Angeles leadership speaker with external-life, life leadership experience.
Before he started speaking full-time, Doug was a senior sale and marketing executive for firms such as IBM, Eventra, & WorldNet, Besides seizing the day and every opportunity that he has been given, learning by doing has been Doug’s approach to life. This approach is risky, but most often the greatest risks reap the biggest rewards.
Maintaining a high standard of quality keeps Doug at the forefront of the keynote speaking profession. Doug spends hours on research and preparation of information to discover strengths and weaknesses of his client’s well before each event or conference. This allows Doug to provide strategic, individualized and motivational keynote performances for each and every client.
As a Los Angeles keynote leadership speaker, he not only speaks about leadership but he demonstrates it. Doug knows that his customers are his lifeline and he treats them that way. He goes out of his way to make sure all details, large and small are in order before presenting to his audience.