Doug Dvorak's Blog


Change Your Attitude to Take Yourself to The Next Level of Achievement

If you’re hoping to get to the next level of achievement in your life, whatever that may be, you must be willing and able to make changes to your attitude, emotions and thought processes. This takes time and effort, but it is worth it.

Everyone has a bad day now and again, and some people seem to have bad months or years. While it can be difficult to handle these situations, changing your attitude can help you get through these difficult times. This might seem like common sense but if you let negativity get you down, you’ll end up stuck in a rut. You won’t be able to make the necessary changes and sacrifices to succeed in your life.







It is a Long Term Commitment

If you’ve ever wondered how to change your attitude, you should understand that it is a long term commitment. You can change your attitude at any given time, but in order to improve your life, you must be able to consistently change your attitude at any given time. The ability to change your attitude has a lot to do with your emotional intelligence or your EQ. If you have a strong IQ, but no EQ, it may still be hard for you to control your attitude/emotions. Being able to control your emotions at the snap of a finger allows you to be the master of your day. Being able to place your feelings to the side is an important part of remaining professional in any desired work environment.This allows you to control your day and your habits, which often makes the difference between success and failure.


When times get tough, remind yourself of why you started in the first place. This will give you the power and the courage to keep going. Once you feel your full potential pushing you through your tough times your attitude starts to automatically shift from “not sure” to “I can and I will”. You will find that, over time and with more and more practice, you will be able to make small changes temotional-intelligence-book-covero your attitude on demand, which will strengthen your resolve.


I recommend you read the book Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman if you want to learn more about your emotional mind versus your rational mind. This book will help you gain a much better understanding of how your emotions can directly impact nearly every area of your life from your career to your relationships and habits.




Honesty Is the Best Policy

honesty-quoteLife is too short to lie to yourself or to others. It is easy to feed yourself white lies or feed others the same and it happens all too often. Small lies about what you can or can’t accomplish cause major setbacks in your personal and professional life. Being as honest as possible will help you reach your full potential in the long run. When you are truly honest with yourself and others about what you are trying to achieve you leave no room for excuses. This level of honesty helps to keep you on track while trying to achieve your goals.

Be Grateful


Being grateful is another key stepping stone to achieving your next level of achievement. You need to recognize and see yourself as a person that can achieve anything, instead of feeling negativity and looking. If you don’t believe in yourself then you will never reach the next level of achievement you are aiming for. One of the first steps to improve your own life and to reach your full potential is to believe that it can happy to you.


If you don’t get that promotion at work or you experience another setback, it’s easy to get down on yourself. Take a hard look at why that setback happened to you. If it was completely out of your control, then don’t beat yourself up about it. Determine why exactly you didn’t get the promotion, such as being outworked, or not having the correct skills. You will be able to change those things if you are honest with yourself and reach that next level of achievement.


Related Article: Become Your Own Agent of Change To Improve Your Life





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