Doug Dvorak's Blog

5 Strategies For Making Motivation Work for You

It can be difficult to keep yourself motivated over time. Like most other things in life, even motivation needs to be cultivated and renewed. I have constructed 5 strategies for making motivation work for you, including renewing it when you need to. Of course not all motivation strategies are going to work for everyone. You can find what works for you and even adapt a new/different strategy to fit your lifestyle and routine.

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  1. Condition Your Body and Mind

Part of being motivated is getting enough physical energy so you feel good. You need to take care of your body by eating a proper diet and exercising to raise energy levels. The same goes for your mind. You can train yourself to think positive thoughts and avoid thinking negatively. This gives your brain a power boost that can keep you self-motivated for a long time.


  1. Stay Away from Negative People

Negative people tend to bring everyone down when they begin sharing their bad attitude. You will find your energy is literally drained and you have wasted time while being around them. Keep from wasting your time by avoiding negative people that will zap your energy and make you feel like you just shot yourself in the foot.


  1. Seek People of Like Mind

When you seek people of like mind you are making a conscious effort to stay motivated. You will essentially be surrounded by positive energy that can rub off and influence your future decision making abilities. This is a successful strategy that can bring you positive rewards that continue to build your motivation.


  1. Create Goals for Yourself 

People need goals in order to stay on track and retain a positive mental outlook. It is important that you remain flexible in light of those goals too. It is ok for plans to be flexible so you can make changes that are needed. Being able to make changes and accept them is always a good ability that will assist you in reaching goals.


  1. Assume Responsibility for Your Results

 When you act on your goals with a higher purpose you are assuming responsibility of your goals. Essentially this means that you are not wasting any efforts to improve your life. If for some reason you get de-railed, take responsibility for that too. Excuses are common, but they should never hold you back or become the reason you stop trying.



Doug Dvorak provides strategies for making motivation work his clients every day. Make plans to attend a motivational speaking engagement and get ready to learn how you can positively change your life.


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