Doug Dvorak’s Blog

The Way of the Renaissance Person img

The Way of the Renaissance Person

Categories Uncategorized
  • Jan 18, 2024

A Renaissance person – also known as a polymath – is someone who is an expert in a wide array of areas and subjects. Examples of exceptional polymaths include Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Condoleezza Rice, Issac Newton and Oprah Winfrey. However, perhaps the most exceptional of them all was Leonardo Da Vinci. What distinguished Da… Read More »

Why we Procrastinate

Why we Procrastinate and How to Stop (Eventually)

Categories Uncategorized
  • Jan 10, 2024

Have you ever had an important task that needed to get done, but you just didn’t want to get started on it? Perhaps you are in school, and you have a paper you need to finish but you would rather play Call of Duty? Maybe you have some important paperwork to complete but you end… Read More »

The Man in the Arena

What It Means to be The Man In The Arena

Categories Uncategorized
  • Jan 4, 2024

In 1910, not long after he left the Oval Office, Teddy Roosevelt gave one of the most influential speeches in history at Sorbonne University in Paris titled Citizenship in a Republic. Within this speech lies an extremely influential passage referred to as The Man In The Arena: “It is not the critic who counts; not… Read More »


Why Pressure is a Privilege and How to Manage It ?

  • Dec 7, 2023

Billie Jean King is a former world No. 1 tennis player, a pioneer for women’s professional sports and an advocate for gender equality and social justice. Billie Jean knows a lot about pressure! To survive and thrive in her pressure-cooker of a life, King once said she believes: “Pressure is a privilege. It only comes… Read More »


How to heal your inner self

Categories Uncategorized
  • Dec 1, 2023

The human body – when compared to those of other animals – is very susceptible to being damaged. And while it does have an incredible ability to heal itself, sometimes it needs a little extra help. Many serious injuries and illnesses require – and receive – immediate medical intervention such as surgery or medication to… Read More »


How Video Games Can Help Your Mental Health

Categories Business Coaching
  • Nov 16, 2023

Since they were invented, video games have gotten a bad rap. At best, many see them as just another distraction for kids who would be better off spending their time on more productive endeavors. At worst, they are viewed as being a catalyst for violence that should be tightly controlled. However, over the past couple… Read More »


How to Use Music for Motivation and Inspiration

Categories Business Coaching
  • Nov 10, 2023

If you’re reading this blog at work, there’s a good chance you’ve got your buds in and you’re listening to music right now. Even if you aren’t, chances are you’re going to be listening to your favorite tunes on the drive home. With access to music easier than ever before thanks to the internet and… Read More »


Exercise: The Holy Grail of Motivation

Categories Business Coaching
  • Nov 2, 2023

To many people, the word “exercise” is offensive. In fact, a significant percentage of people find little reason to exercise at all. According to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only 28% of Americans are meeting physical activity guidelines set by the agency. However, talk to anyone in the minority and they will… Read More »


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