Doug Dvorak’s Blog

Power-Ups That Will Help You Reach the Next Level

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  • Jan 9, 2023

There is something nostalgic about playing video games. With most games, your objectives involve jumping over obstacles, dodging enemy attacks, and collecting the power-ups you’ll need to advance. In real life, stepping on turtles and eating random mushrooms is never a good idea. Still, these video games mimic the goals we pursue as we strive… Read More »

Seven Ways You’re Jeopardizing Your Own Success

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  • Dec 2, 2022

It’s never good feeling like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. In Greek mythology, Atlas is doomed to spend eternity carrying the crushing weight of the sky on his shoulders. While this is not a responsibility any of us will ever actually have to bear, it sure does feel like life… Read More »

Top 6 Signs You Need a Vacation

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  • Nov 29, 2022

Do you have to drag yourself out of bed every morning to go to work? Or, find yourself wishing that something, anything would happen to prevent you from having to go in?   You might just be suffering from burnout and need a vacation. Every day, we arrive at work with the goal of making… Read More »

Top 10 Traits of Exceptional Leaders

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  • Oct 25, 2022

Are you a leader or a follower? We may have been asked this question growing up to teach us a lesson, but as adults, we inevitably end up having to relate to people who have become our managers, supervisors, CEOs, and so on. Everyone has experienced poor leadership at some point, but what characteristics define… Read More »

How to Win Your Confidence Back

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  • Oct 14, 2022

If there’s one thing you should stop doing right now, it’s beating yourself up about your failures (real or imagined). Letting these negative ideas cloud your judgement is more harmful than you may realize as you may be stopping yourself from realizing your full potential.   Every human being experiences failure at some point in… Read More »

Are You Motivated to Be Successful in Life?

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  • Sep 30, 2022

Take a moment to reflect on your current situation. Do you feel you have control over your life or are you like a sailboat floating with the wind? Life is like a voyage at sea and our motivation to achieve anything in life can easily drift away. For many of us, it’s easy to just… Read More »

Staying True to Your Personal Mission Statement

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  • Sep 16, 2022

Picture this: It’s the end of a long and tiring workday and the moment you step outside the building to go home, you’re welcomed by a downpour of freezing rain and gusty winds. Perfect!   You can see your nice warm and dry car parked right across the street, but you have no way of… Read More »

The 5 Best Ways to Stay Motivated Every Day

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  • Sep 12, 2022

Have you ever met a truly nothing-ever-gets-me-down type of person? While their high-spirited nature is refreshing and inspiring, these people can often lead us to question why we aren’t similarly motivated in our own lives.   Spoiler Alert: No-one is naturally that upbeat. These people have worked at developing their positive approach to life. The… Read More »


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