Doug Dvorak's Blog


Execute Against Your Strategy Without Killing It




Strategies are an important aspect of business. They are, in effect, a plan designed to give you attainable steps and goals throughout a lengthy process that would otherwise be chaos. In most cases, you use a strategy for everything you do, even if you don’t realize it. Whether you’re hoping to launch a new product or service, or something else, your strategy must be executed efficiently. Every department must come together and be one to deliver on their promises. This can lead to bonuses and higher stock prices. However, without proper execution, even the best-laid plans will fail. Learning to execute against your strategy is key to creating positive change in your personal and professional life.




Almost 66 percent of strategies designed for companies are never executed at all, and some of them are tried but fail miserably. The reason for such a high number of unexecuted strategies is that doing something new is tough. Whether in personal or business life, doing something new requires that you recondition yourself, forget about bad habits, and retrain yourself to do something different, none of which is easy.


Build Your Strategy To Be Executed


In most cases, execution problems start in the early stages, usually during formulation of the plan. It is paramount that you define and design your strategy with a definite plan and hope in mind. Likewise, you may also need to create a way for it to be followed and done correctly.




The company owner and their right-hand men and women shouldn’t be the only ones generating new ideas. Bring everyone into the game and listen to what they say (or read what they write). Remember Oliver Wendell Holmes’ quote (paraphrased): once your mind is expanded by a new idea, it can’t go back to its original dimension. This just means that once a new idea comes into your brain, you can’t un-think it and you can’t forget it.

Related Article: How To Brainstorm With A Group




Likewise, you won’t be able to execute your strategy if you don’t hold everyone accountable for it. While you’re focused on the big picture, the little goals are also important. For one, you’ll be able to measure success, and other will feel good about themselves for completing the goal, no matter how small it is.


Plus, you will be able to show accountability better. If one department is responsible for one small piece of the whole project, they will complete it faster and more proficiently. Then, the next group can work on their piece of the puzzle, ensuring that everything previously done was correct.


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