Doug Dvorak's Blog


Frequency & Consistency Can Keep Your Motivational Juices Flowing

Frequency & Consistency 

Frequent & consistent action can help you stay motivated by allowing you to find a groove that permits work to flow smoothly. Even when you don’t get much done, you are working steadily which helps you remove anxiety, and just work. In turn, this allows you to accomplish a lot over any given period of time. You will always have down time, but staying consistent, frequently will ensure that those periods of downtime don’t get into your head and cause some major road blocks and stress. The task that is never started is often the most troublesome and being consistent frequently ensures little to no tasks go unstarted.

What you do every day of every week matters more than what you once in a while.

Don’t wait for moods, show up, whether you feel inspired or not. Tackle your most important tasks first – focus diligently for 60-90 minutes on the challenges that you believe have the most likelihood of adding long-term value to your life. Just like someone that goes to the gym for an hour multiple times a week that gains strength and momentum and no longer sees the gym as a chore. You will start to build creative muscle and momentum over time by working in 60-90 minute bursts.

The following is a very effective, productive and efficient working and learning practice to help you keep your motivational juices flowing.

Work in 60-90 minute “focus blocks”. Set this time aside like you would be setting an appointment with a customer. Don’t let anything interrupt this time, not your cell phone, emails, social media or even a customer’s call. This is precious time set aside to accomplish something that will help you achieve your long-term goals and it must be taken seriously.

lady-sitting-in-solitudeHowever, today it is also essential to find solitude to learn about your inner voice and what it is trying to teach you. Make sure to set time for solitude and make it a part of your daily routine. After a “focus block” take 10 minutes to sit in solitude. Sit and do nothing else for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Over time you may learn to sit with yourself and your thoughts for longer periods of time. This distraction-free period of solitude, especially after a 60-90 minute focus block will open your mind to new ideas and will also help you improve your ability to keep your attention focused.

By sitting with your thoughts and your breath you can digest your “focus block” and simply think. This will help you foster some of your most creative work. Otherwise, you drop the 60-90 minute focus block and get on your cell phone or jumping into the next project or email, completely leaving your focused energy without taking advantage of not only a bit of “me time” but also some great creative ideas that can help you stay motivated and ultimately achieve more.


Try practicing this a few times per week to keep your motivational juices flowing, and then maybe a few times per day to really see some dramatic results. This will not only help keep your motivational juices flowing, but it will foster productivity, efficiency, and focus.


Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time.

Consistency is the quality of achieving a level of performance which does not vary greatly in quality over time.


Related Article: 9 Areas of Focus To Improve Motivational Levels


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