Doug Dvorak's Blog

How to Find and Sustain your Motivation

To avoid getting stuck in a rut, it is not uncommon for people to look for ways to mix things up and change their daily routines. Trying new things and setting fresh goals is a great way to stay motivated but, it takes a certain amount of motivation just to start making these changes.


To find the motivation needed to make impactful changes on your life, it is important to understand what it actually means so you can find a sustainable system that works for you in your business and professional lives.


What is Motivation and Why is it Important?


Simply put, motivation is the drive needed to achieve goals. It is influenced by multiple factors, including how much you want the goal, what you will gain by completing your goal, and your own personal expectations. Motivation is important as it can provide you with achievable and measurable goals that you can work towards.


Motivation also helps you solve problems and change old habits. For example, you might have a bad habit of eating too much candy, which can be a problem for your health. With the right motivation, you should be able to cut back on sugar and lead a healthier and happier life.


Being a motivated person can also help you cope with challenges and capitalize on opportunities. Here are some ways motivation can help you:


Getting Started: Motivation can be hard to find if you are dealing with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. The first step you should start with is setting yourself one specific, achievable goal. Once you have that goal in place, you should think about how you can include that goal in your life. Figure out what you need to do to make this goal come to fruition and make a schedule that you can easily follow and commit to. Break your big overarching goal down into smaller tasks and give yourself reminders regularly. As backup, find yourself a strong support system. Your family and friends are usually great sources of encouragement that can help you remember what you need to get done; they are also useful when it comes to the issue of sustainability.


Staying on Track: Once you have your goals and a solid support system in place, you need to find ways to keep yourself on the right path. Give yourself a pep talk by telling yourself positive things. Negativity is corrosive and will damage your motivation. Stay relaxed and focused on what you want to accomplish. Then reward yourself once you complete one of your tasks. This will incentivize you to keep going and cross of the next mini goal on your way to your main goal.


Following Through: Motivation feeds on itself so seeing your plan through to the end will inspire you to take on new goals as you strive for ever higher levels of success and happiness. After crossing a goal off your list, it is important to review your achievement, consider how far you have come, and feel proud that you have taken the necessary steps to accomplish whatever it was you set your mind to. If you find yourself struggling, feel free to take a break. It takes time to build a good motivation habit. Just be sure not to give up and put yourself in a situation where you’ll have to start from scratch.


Ultimately, it is up to you to take that first step and decide to be a motivated person. After that, create a list of goals and follow the steps laid out in this article to sustain that motivation for the rest of your life.



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