Motivation in Motion – 7 Steps to Help You Stay Motivated
Being and staying motivated are two completely different things with different obstacles and benefits. Everyone, particularly those in the selling profession, have certain things which can keep them motivated. Here are seven steps to help you stay motivated personally and professionally.
1. Dream Bigger Dreams
There is nothing more important and motivating than training or fantasizing about what we can achieve and end up being. By dreaming bigger you automatically set your goals higher. This can also increase your level of confidence and give you a feeling of control regarding your abilities to improve and achieve.
2. Have a Clear Vision
The word motivation is defined literally as a reason to act. It is the rational or cognitive side of getting motivated that should be your vision. This vision however should be big enough that it motivates you to take action. It is smart to develop clear steps to help you stay motivated. This way you know what needs to be done in order for you to be motivated and happy.
3. Renew Your Vision Each Day
It’s a proven fact that sometimes motivation doesn’t last. Therefore we have to renew it while reminding ourselves of our dreams and visions every day. As creatures of habit, everyone realizes that in order to remain motivated over a long-term, it’s something that must be developed continuously.
4. Fueling Your Passion
One of the most powerful forces to keep us going is emotion, especially passion. Therefore fuel it as needed. Although logic is good, having passion for any great cause is better. Put yourself on course with a consuming desire to meet your goals.
5. Learning from Other Minds
Read and listen from those who have achieved goals in life and are successful. This can come from listening to CD’s or reading books by those who give lessons and examples of successful achievements. Their success can motivate others to achieve and prosper. They can certainly start to teach you steps to help you stay motivated
6. Work Harder to Get Results
Action will always be the key to more motivation. Motivation can build on itself when getting results. The harder you are working, the more results you’ll get. It’s a never ending cycle as successes in life typically motivates people to want to achieve more.
7. Enjoying the Process
It’s simply not possible to feel motivated all the time. Sometimes taking a small break can do wonders to help clear your mind and assess where you are at and what you need to still accomplish. After the break you’ll start feeling more refreshed and will notice that your inspiration and enthusiasm are returning again.
Each one of these steps has small benefits, together, they make a big difference. Follow these steps to help you stay motivated throughout your career and personal life.