It is so much easier to be positive when life is going well. When things start going downhill, such as when you lose your job or lose someone special, it can make it much harder to be positive. In many cases, it doesn’t even have to be a significant problem to cause you to… Read More »
- Aug 30, 2017
A manipulative leader may have the ability to coerce their workers into doing what they want but the leader who genuinely cares about the welfare of his workers will have individuals who’ll go the distance to make sure a leader’s vision becomes a reality. A strong leader knows that it takes a team effort to… Read More »
- Aug 15, 2017
Goal setting. It is something which everyone attempts to do, yet only a couple of people actually make it work. The challenge that most individuals face is dedicating themselves to the desired results they enjoy having. As soon as you start your journey to achieve your set goals, hurdles and obstacles arise, and that is… Read More »
- Jul 10, 2017
You have heard it before that maintaining PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) daily is one of the critical factors to living a more meaningful and significant life. But how can we truly stay up in a down world! Every morning before I get out of bed, I start my day by practicing motivational mindfulness meditation. Related… Read More »
- Jun 27, 2017
By Boaz Rauchwerger Internationally-renowned speaker, trainer, consultant & author In my many years of speaking before CEO groups worldwide, I’ve noticed why some employers seem to motivate their employees to much greater levels of success than others do. As a people skills speaker and, from the experiences I’ve had with these leaders, I’ve come up… Read More »