Doug Dvorak’s Blog

Motivation – What is it and How can Motivaitonal Speakers use it to Influence Audiences

  • Mar 17, 2014

Motivation can be considered a psychological state that causes someone to take action toward a desired goal. Motivational Speakers can use this to improve many peoples lives and many aspects of business. Motivation has been shown to have roots in physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social areas. Motivation may be rooted in a basic impulse to optimize… Read More »

Be Ambitious With Goals, Not Deadlines

  • Mar 13, 2014

As you embark on any new journey, you will inevitably have an idea in your mind of how long it should take you to accomplish your ultimate goal. For example, some new bloggers start out with great passion and write, write, write, day and night. They expect that within six months they will have a… Read More »

Kill the Routine and Increase Your Motivation and Energy Level

  • Mar 3, 2014

Many of us rely on a structured routine to give us stability in life. We know what to expect when we wake up in the morning and we enjoy watching life play out in an orderly way, just like we always expected.  From the time we are small children, we learn to rely on routine.… Read More »

Motivational Humorous Speaker Doug Dvorak Demo Video – 2014

  • Feb 26, 2014

The Success System That Never Fails

  • Feb 12, 2014

Sales of services and goods are the backbone of all organizations and continued growth in these areas is the key to success. Sales organizations depend on increased sales as a prime motivating factor. There are many issues involved from having the right personnel, quality training programs, an effective presentation, and much more. Regardless of how… Read More »

Sports Motivational Quotes – 10 Best of All Time

  • Jan 3, 2014

In the history of sports, there are a few quotes that stand out as some of the motivating words that were ever spoken. Athletic role models like Michael Jordon and Lance Armstrong have left an impression on millions of people around the world and their words are a legacy left to inspire many more people… Read More »

The body language sales performance connection!

  • Nov 5, 2013

Who you are speaks so loudly, of course I can’t hear what you are saying! Every sales presentation you make allows you to communicate in two ways: 1) With your words and 2) With your body. Making sure you maintain a confident, easy demeanour will help deliver your message with the confidence you are trying… Read More »

5 Steps to get Motivationally Refreshed, Refocused & Renewed

  • Oct 14, 2013

You don’t need a particularly discouraging moment to make you lose your motivation. For most people lack of motivation sneaks up on them day by day until they are down in the dumps thinking everything stinks. The key to motivation is never allowing yourself to get so far down you can’t ever find a way… Read More »


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