Doug Dvorak’s Blog

How a Growth Mindset Will Motivate Your Employees

How a Growth Mindset will Motivate Your Employees

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  • Apr 28, 2020

Growth mindset – a term coined by researcher Carol Dweck – theorizes that a person’s potential is unfixed and that anyone can improve their performance simply by applying passion, training, and deliberate effort to their endeavors. According to Dweck, a person possessing a growth mindset is someone who embraces challenges and views their failures as… Read More »


10 Ways Hiring a Motivational Speaker Pays for Itself

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  • Feb 19, 2020

In the words of the great Kobe Bryant: “Dedication sees dreams come true.” Whether or not you are into the game of basketball, a talent like Bryant’s was attention-getting, engaging, inspiring and motivating to anyone who witnessed it.   But what drives that level of dedication? What pushes someone like Bryant to keep striving to… Read More »

Why Motivational Speakers Are More Important Than Ever

Why Motivational Speakers Are More Important than Ever

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  • Jan 21, 2020

If you’re an engaged business owner or executive who stays on top of all the latest trends and developments in your industry, you’ll know that motivation is a hot topic these days.   Industry leaders and thought leaders are focusing heavily on motivation in their blogs, podcasts, and presentations. But why? What does motivation have… Read More »


Top Five Ways Motivational Speakers Boost Performance

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  • Jan 7, 2020

Motivation is the fuel of life’s success engine. It is the premium gas that keeps a person running efficiently, all the time, no matter what. In fact, a case could be made that without motivation, there can be no true success either personally or professionally.   A motivated person always feels they can accomplish anything,… Read More »


The Best Long Game Motivational Strategy: Consider It All

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  • Oct 22, 2019

Most entrepreneurs know that they need employees to help them achieve success. Once you have a great team selected and employed, you need to find ways to keep them motivated so that they will continue providing the best work. You will want to use the simplest and most predictable long-game motivational strategy. The caveat is… Read More »


How Leaders Can Drive Innovation With L&D

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  • Oct 2, 2019

Many leaders want to establish a culture of innovation at their workplace, one that encourages flexibility, creativity and supports risk-taking. The benefit? breakthrough products, a superior customer experience and a more agile response to market changes. But what is happening in organizations today, and what can leaders do – specifically those within the HR and… Read More »


Take Your Attitude to the Next Latitude with AI – Attitude Intensity

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  • Sep 17, 2019

If you’re like most people, you have days where you don’t want to do anything. Your attitude may change throughout the day based on your upcoming activities, as well. For example, you may be quiet and introverted when you have to go to work in the morning and might perk up significantly when you get… Read More »


Doug Dvorak Speaks to the Boise State University Football Team About Commitment

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  • Aug 6, 2019

This video shows motivational keynote speaker Doug Dvorak presenting a keynote to the Boise State University football team. Doug speaks around the world on average of 75 times per year on topics such as motivation, teamwork, and leadership.   Doug has been featured on various TV shows, podcasts, and magazines. He has visited and spoken… Read More »


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