Doug Dvorak’s Blog


Things to Abandon for a Better Life

Categories Business Coaching
  • Jul 19, 2023

Life is too short to spend it unhappily. Making the most out of the life you have will take a lot of work, time, and self-reflection. There are many things in life that weigh us down, some of which we don’t know how to solve and even consciously recognize until they are pointed out. There… Read More »


Develop a Stronger Work Ethic in Five Steps

Categories Business Coaching
  • Jun 30, 2023

Having a strong work ethic is an essential part of being successful in any business. It can help you reach your goals and become someone that both your coworkers and superiors depend on to get things done. However, it can be incredibly difficult to develop the motivation to work hard. Building up the discipline to… Read More »

The 10,000-Hour Rule and the Road to Success

Categories Uncategorized
  • Jun 19, 2023

Everyone intuitively understands that to become an expert at something like a sport, a musical instrument, selling, or surgery, it takes a lot of practice.   In fact, since Malcolm Gladwell’s groundbreaking book Outliers was published in 2008, the general consensus is that it takes at least 10,000 hours of practice to get anywhere near… Read More »

How to Conquer Your Fear of Confrontation

Categories Uncategorized
  • May 18, 2023

Do you often find it difficult to stand up to someone when they disrespect you? There’s nothing wrong with being quiet or introverted, but if you let people take advantage of you, it will take a toll on your mental health. Whether it’s from peers or strangers, there will come a point where you will… Read More »

Why You Should Try to Discover Yourself

Categories Uncategorized
  • Apr 28, 2023

In today’s world, with so much to worry about and everything moving at such a fast pace, it has become increasingly easy to lose oneself. This can cause you to feel like you need to conform to fit in and, while there’s nothing wrong with that, it shouldn’t be at the expense of what makes… Read More »

How to Discover Your Dream Job

Categories Uncategorized
  • Mar 31, 2023

There’s nothing worse than getting stuck in a job you hate. In fact, studies show job dissatisfaction can even impact your overall health by causing problems with sleep, anxiety, and depression.   There are many reasons why people stay in jobs they don’t like such as family responsibilities or health insurance. However, there’s no reason… Read More »

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to a Long and Healthy Life

Categories Uncategorized
  • Mar 13, 2023

Getting older is unavoidable, but there’s plenty we can do to improve and maintain our health as we age and live longer than ever before. As entrepreneurs, it’s easy to allow the pressures of running a business and a hectic schedule to cloud our judgment about what’s truly important in life. Life isn’t just about… Read More »

What Makes You Unapproachable and How to Fix It

Categories Uncategorized
  • Mar 8, 2023

You weren’t invited out for drinks after work again, or perhaps you’ve noticed that no-one ever seeks you out for advice, or when you enter a room, everyone is suddenly silent.   Experiencing situations like these doesn’t necessarily indicate a bad case of body odor; in fact, it’s more likely that you’re giving off signals… Read More »


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