Doug Dvorak's Blog


How Motivated People Grow

  • Mar 8, 2017

Motivated & Unmotivated Individuals It is not at all uncommon to hear people complain about their job as being boring or as if they are stuck in a rut. These individuals go about the daily routine just going through the motions, often disliking their job and not feeling very good about themselves, their abilities or… Read More »


How Motivated People Win

  • Feb 27, 2017

Motivation is not the same as enthusiasm. Enthusiastic people are energized and engaged, but those who are motivated want to achieve goals beyond the level of just being excited. They are committed to working through problems and succeeding in spite of drawbacks and issues that may occur along the way. In fact, they see drawbacks… Read More »


Motivational Rules

  • Feb 13, 2017

Many people see motivation as something you have or you don’t have, often depending on the specific situation. In fact, motivation is a choice that everyone makes. You can find ways to be positive and to strive to improve a situation or you can choose to complain and stay stuck where you are. This is… Read More »


Techniques To Help You With Positive Thinking So You Can STD (Seize The Day)

  • Feb 6, 2017

  It is crucial for any professional to learn how to Seize The Day. Each and every day you must suit up and show up ready to put in your best effort. Using positive thinking techniques can help you truly Seize The Day. Related Article: How To Reinvent Yourself With Positive Thinking The Goal Your objective… Read More »


Challenge Yourself To Change Yourself

  • Jan 28, 2017

Challenging Yourself To Change Yourself Brings Growth and Prosperity.     Innovation doesn’t come without a little change. Whether you’re hoping to revamp your company or want to focus more on the positive in your life rather than the negative, you must be willing and able to challenge yourself. The easiest example is weight… Read More »


Execute Against Your Strategy Without Killing It

  • Jan 16, 2017

      Strategies are an important aspect of business. They are, in effect, a plan designed to give you attainable steps and goals throughout a lengthy process that would otherwise be chaos. In most cases, you use a strategy for everything you do, even if you don’t realize it. Whether you’re hoping to launch… Read More »


“Dream On” – The Power Of Positive Visualization to Enlightenment

  • Dec 28, 2016

It may seem strange to some that dreaming can lead to enlightenment and improved motivation. While it may not be dreaming in the traditional sense (as you sleep), you can still use positive imagery (daydreams, if you will) to motivate yourself and achieve enlightenment in your life. Whether or not you realize it, you likely… Read More »


How a Cancer Survivorship Speaker Improves the Everyday Lives of Others

  • Dec 13, 2016

More often than not, a cancer survivor will provide your audience a new perspective on life after beating the disease. Not only does cancer cause physical changes to the individual, but cancer survivors also experience emotional and spiritual changes. A survivor learns how to cope with and overcome the challenges and fears they are faced… Read More »


How to Overcome Resistance When Motivating Employees

  • Nov 28, 2016

    Learning how to overcome resistance when motivating your employees can help you implement energetic and morale boosting changes in your organization more easily. Whether you’re trying to make changes for the company at large or for particular departments, you may notice that employees are resistant to change. This is natural! Employees will be… Read More »


Frequency & Consistency Can Keep Your Motivational Juices Flowing

  • Oct 25, 2016

Frequency & Consistency  Frequent & consistent action can help you stay motivated by allowing you to find a groove that permits work to flow smoothly. Even when you don’t get much done, you are working steadily which helps you remove anxiety, and just work. In turn, this allows you to accomplish a lot over any… Read More »


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