Doug Dvorak's Blog


Change is Simple When You Change Your Mindset

The idea that change is difficult is simply a mindset. If you learn how to change your mindset you can change your life. It all starts with your thoughts. Every thought you have is a direct link to change in your life, or the lack thereof. There are many reasons why your mindset affects whether you change, or not. In fact, research proves that your mindset is formed through several disciplines including education, neurology and psychology. Your mindset is formed by a combined interaction of thoughts and corresponding emotions and images.

Habitual Thoughts and Emotions

When your emotions and thoughts are habitual, a neural network is formed that regulates a mindset. It literally keeps you in place. This explains how you can master a habit such as reading, writing or riding a bike.  It is learned and repeated habitually so you do it without thinking about it anymore. Your neural network has the habit in place after much practice and repetition. The more the same action is performed, the stronger your mindset becomes about that action. Therefore, when you feel as if you are resistant to change, it is not that you are a weak individual, the strength of your neural network just makes you feel as if you cannot change. However, you can change.

Change Your Mindset

If you are willing to change, then you are going to be able to change your mindset. They are your thoughts, and only you can change them. Even thoughts that were formed due to an outside influence can be changed. By using your personal power of responsibility and choice, you can change your mindset and attitude. It is the last freedom a person has as a human, the option to change your attitude despite the circumstance you may be facing. Be bold, be willing and you can change your mindset and your life.

Positively Feed Your Mindset

A quick way to change your mindset is to feed the mindset you want to form. When you choose a positive mindset, it automatically weakens a negative mindset. You can become more positive by daring to dream. You can imagine new possibilities for yourself. In turn new neurons are created that construct a new neural set-up. When you continue to do this, a new neural set-up will grow stronger and surpass the old one in strength. Keep this in mind, when you feed the positive it makes the negative weaker.


Here is a great article on Positive Thinking:


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