How to Reinvent Yourself with Positive Thinking
Sometimes it can seem completely impossible to imagine that just by changing your mindset you can change your life. However when you look at any person, or even any career, positive thinking does wonders in helping people succeed. Here are some tips to help you reinvent yourself with positive thinking and possibility thinking.
The Little Engine that Could
Most of us are familiar with the children’s story “The Little Engine that Could”. The important thing to remember is that he was not the little engine that could have. One of the first steps to becoming positive and feeling things are possible for you is to let go of the would have, could have, should have attitude and begin focusing on the possibilities life has in store for you. Believing you can do what it is you set out to do is the little engine that not only could, but that does. This is the first step that will help you to reinvent yourself with positive thinking.
Mindfulness and Being Present
Being present allows you to be more focused. People who are worried about what has happened or what could happen are people who cannot realistically look at what is happening now. This takes away from your ability to do well. Each moment you should be completely engaged in what is happening so your full attention is always in the present.
Positive Thinking
Being positive is the most difficult thing you will ever try to master. True positivity means casting all doubt aside and sincerely believing with every fibre of your being that the universe is on your side and wants you to succeed. Wow! That really is a tall order and is probably the reason that there are only a very small percentage of people in the world who are true saints, billionaires and gurus. Mastering positivity takes some people years. Everyday, look at everything that happens to you with a positive twist and shake off the bad. With any luck eventually it will become second nature to you.
Clear your Mind
Positivity and possibility means having a clear mind. You cannot be worried or stressed. Instead you have to be completely free of worry. Being engaged in what you do and focused on your goals is part of mindfulness. When you are able to clear your mind so that all of those negative thoughts, unhappy memories and doubts are released you will be able to meet your goals and lead a happier, stress free and successful life.
Constantly remind yourself of the above points. This will help you to reinvent yourself with positive thinking.
Doug Dvorak is a motivational keynote speaker who motivates audiences using humour and insight for conferences, events and seminars. Visit www.dougdvorak.com for more information.