Doug Dvorak's Blog

Don’t Quit Your Daydream

Take a moment and think of something you’d be happy doing every day for the rest of your life. Now ask yourself this question: Is that thing also what you’d want others to remember you by after you’re gone?


If the answer to that question is yes, congratulations! You just identified your true passion in life.


When someone is passionate about something, they yearn to perform that task with every waking hour. Passions bring joy and offer a sense of purpose. When it comes to your passion, every challenge becomes an opportunity to improve as opposed to an obstacle to be overcome.


Nothing gets in our way when it comes to pursuing our passions which brings us to the real question: What are you doing to follow your passion?


While some are more practical than others, passions aren’t meant to be put on the back burner. If you like something but you’re able to pick it up and put it down at will, that’s a hobby. And, while hobbies also bring joy, they usually don’t allow you to apply your creative capabilities in a professional setting.


Studies consistently show that approximately 65% of Americans are satisfied with their current job. However, that number doesn’t tell you what percentage of people are actually passionate about what they do for a living. Rather, it speaks to how secure they feel with their jobs. In fact, only about 20% of Americans admit to feeling a true connection to their role in the workforce.


It is easy to become complacent when you’re cruising along in a comfort zone. It’s also what transforms passions into hobbies. Everyone has a talent, but not everyone will reach their full potential because they are tied to occupations that simply do not challenge their creativity.


Many feel that they aren’t skilled enough to pursue their passion as a career. Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon that occurs when a person feels intimidated by the thought of applying themselves in a field involving their passion due to lack of experience. There are too many individuals that never pursue their true dreams because of the fear of failure. Here are a few things to consider when following your passion:


No one is perfect … at all


The professionals that you see excelling in their natural environment have failed time after time again to make it to where they are. Mistakes are inevitable no matter how experienced you are because we are all human. Remember, when you are truly passionate, there is no such thing as failure. If every top professional gave up after a setback, we wouldn’t have the luxury of grasping the true meaning of determination. Don’t let small hiccups discourage you from the bigger picture.


Small changes yield huge results


It can be challenging to pursue your passion if your current occupation has nothing to do with it. There are subtle ways you can attempt to apply your talents at work. If you enjoy writing, try asking your leadership if you could take notes during meetings or create presentations for them. If you take pleasure in photography, try taking pictures for the company website or social media. Slowly but surely, you will be gaining experience and the confidence to pursue your passion. If you are unhappy with your current occupation, apply your passion when you can as a motivator to move on to what truly matters to you.


Life is short


When you’ve reached the end and look back at all the time you’ve devoted to your passion, will you be satisfied? Don’t allow yourself to be deprived of your true potential. You are deserving of a fulfilling life just like everyone else. Settling in your comfort zone will prevent you from ever achieving any goals you have relating to your passion. Don’t quit your daydream without giving yourself the freedom to pursue it.


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