Doug Dvorak's Blog


An Act of Random Kindness

I was sitting in the Sarasota, Florida airport waiting to board my flight and out of the corner of my eye, I see this gentleman come over and sit next to another man in a wheelchair. Meet Shay and Melvin, you know that your act of random kindness volunteered to watch Melvin as his daughter went to buy a bottle of water.
As I travel every week on planes, trains, and automobiles and see the traveling public as they leave work to go home. It is so encouraging and fulfilling to see an act of random kindness is displayed by Shay. An immediate friendship ensued. I was so touched that I gave Chile the smile on a stick because he made me smile pure kindness. Live in the Sarasota, FL airport on March 6th, 2019.
An Act of random kindness goes a long way!


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