Doug Dvorak’s Blog


4 Motivational Habits for Success and Significance

  • May 9, 2018

“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential… These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”   – Confucius – 4 Easy Habits You Can Learn Today to Keep You Motivated Motivation is a double-edged sword that can work for or against you. We all… Read More »


The Number One Ingredient for Sustained Success: Motivation

  • Apr 3, 2018

What is sustained success? Definitions fly by, and most people have a particular one that they love. In most cases, it is defined by being successful and keeping that success going throughout the years. The first step is to determine what you mean by success. For example, are you talking about your work or personal… Read More »


Why Motivation Should be a Priority in Life and Business

  • Mar 28, 2018

Whether you’ve been in business for years or are just starting out, you may find that life can be full of accomplishments as well as setbacks. Motivation should play a significant role in all aspects of your life, including the business side. Motivation will keep you get you through setbacks and see you through many… Read More »


Leaders: Are They Born or Made?

  • Feb 28, 2018

Here’s How You Can Tell If Someone is an Emerging Leader—and What You Should Be Doing to Help Him or Her Develop Into a Great One.   You face tough customers and fierce competition. That, of course, goes with the territory of being an equipment manufacturer or dealer. However, you also face complex organizational challenges—challenges… Read More »


Strategies to Recharge Your Motivational Batteries

  • Feb 23, 2018

Most of us are aware that; for us to achieve anything in our private or business lives, we need to want change in order to move forward and improve our situation. Fighting change is like fighting time, it is an endless battle that can’t be won. In order to take the action needed to create… Read More »

Learn How To Stay Motivated by Igniting Your Motivational Attitude

  • Feb 6, 2018

Whether you’ve decided to take on a new hobby, career or other lifestyle change, you must learn how to stay motivated. Most people find that the passion for starting is easy and comes freely, but after a while, it diminishes. It is important that you learn how to ignite your motivational attitude so that you… Read More »


The 7 Characteristics of Principle-Centered Motivation & Leadership

  • Jan 8, 2018

Are you a leader that practices principle-centered leadership? Principle-centered leadership leads to long-lasting partnerships rooted in integrity between you and your staff. Through a principle-centered framework of leadership, employees will be self-motivated, teachable, and creative. Principled-centered leaders improve morale and the productivity of their staff. What makes a leader worth following? More importantly, what is… Read More »


4 Techniques to Help Manage Stress in Sales

  • Nov 8, 2017

Selling may seem like a walk in the park at first until you find yourself actually going through the task of having to get leads or close a deal. We all regulate stress every day. Stress is a natural and important part of life, but when left unmanaged, it can damper an individual’s productivity and… Read More »


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