Doug Dvorak’s Blog


When Opportunity Knocks Open the Door

  • Jun 24, 2015

Do Not Let a Good Opportunity Pass You By Many times people complain that their life did not turn out how they wanted it to. Yet when they had an opportunity to change things, they let that opportunity pass them by. They did very little to change their circumstances and let life happen to them.… Read More »


5 Ways to Motivate Your Employees

  • Jun 18, 2015

Simple & Effective: 5 Ways to Motivate Your Employees Today!   1. Always listen to what your employees have to say. Taking time to listen can make them feel appreciated and valued. 2. Always acknowledge your employees. No one likes to be ignored. 3. Show gratitude. Show how grateful you are for the hard work your employees… Read More »


Things to Consider When Hiring a Las Vegas Motivational Speaker

  • Jun 18, 2015

Las Vegas motivational speakers should be engaging, educating, entertaining and fun! You’re in Vegas and your colleagues are to. Having a good time should always be part of your conference, but especially here. There are a few things to look for when deciding to work with a Las Vegas motivational speaker.   Has the Speaker… Read More »


How to Coach Sales Reps On The Inside To Deliver Optimal Sales Outcomes On The Outside

  • Jun 11, 2015

Businesses need sales and every year, many are falling a little short. While it can be tempting to push your employees harder and harder, it may not be the best way to get the job done. In fact, exhausting your employees often results in fewer sales. Instead, you should consider being “right” on the inside… Read More »

Portland Motivational Speaker – Top 5 Portland Motivational Speakers

  • Jun 11, 2015

  Doug Dvorak: Humorous Motivational Speaker   If you are looking for a motivational speaker for a workshop, conference, or productivity training that can connect with your employees contact Doug Dvorak. He is a certified sales trainer who uses humor as an effective tool to engage with his audience. Doug has the ability to motivate… Read More »

7 Things to Look For When Choosing a Motivational, Sales or Leadership Speaker for Your Next Conference

  • Jun 1, 2015

When choosing the right speaker whether it is a motivational speaker, a sales speaker or a leadership speaker, you want him or her to deliver a motivating and encouraging message that will entertain your audience, but will ultimately “shake some things up” within your company or organization. They should reinforce your company or organizations overall… Read More »

Learn How Positive Thinking Works

  • May 18, 2015

Positive thinking is a choice. For some people it comes naturally, for others it takes changing a negative mind-set and being mindful of actions and reactions. Being positive is also a way of life that helps you to look on the bright side of things with the expectation of positive results. Positive people look for… Read More »

The Power of Possibility Thinking: Understand and Use Possibility Thinking to Tackle Life with Vigor

  • May 11, 2015

  Thinking is a mental activity that is different for every person. People tend to adopt their own form of thinking whether it is negative thinking, positive thinking or possibility thinking. They each have subtle differences that can impact a person’s life dramatically. Positive and possibility thinking happens in layers. You may not even realize… Read More »


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