Doug Dvorak's Blog

How to Let Go of Frustrations So You Can Achieve Your Goals

One of the main reasons people do not reach goals that they set for themselves are frustrations. Becoming frustrated can let negative emotions take over and sabotage a positive outcome. Being able to reach a goal is much like going on a journey. When you first start the journey you are positive, full of energy and ready to tackle anything that gets in your way. That is until you meet your first challenge. It may not even be the first challenge that makes you frustrated enough to quit, either. What you need to focus on is how to overcome the frustration barrier and achieve your goals. The best thing you can do is to prepare yourself for challenges along the way since life is unpredictable.

Overcome Frustration

Tips to Overcome Frustration Barriers


  1. Take a moment and reflect. Life is always going to be challenging on some level. When you become frustrated take the time to reflect and step back from the situation. Look at it from the perspective of an outsider. People tend to become emotionally invested in certain situations and it is very hard to clarify thoughts. Take the time to look at the broader view to find answers to your frustrations.


  1. Choose a different path. When you step back and look at the bigger picture, there is always an opportunity to find a different path. Do not be afraid to take a new path and see what happens. More often than not you will find that you are in a better position than you expected.


  1. Search for the good in things. People that understand this tip and use it, tend to lead a less stressful life. Difficult challenges can have a silver lining. It is up to you to change your way of thinking in order to find them. When you find a glimmer of hope in a bad situation, turn your attention to hope and begin thinking positively.


  1. Look for solutions and act on them. A challenge is an opportunity in disguise. You can find solutions within them when you look for them. The point is to find a solution and act on it immediately. Not only will this help you get back on track, it will also help you achieve goals and break through your frustration barrier.


  1. Remain positive and flexible. Mistakes are inevitable in life. This goes double for your goals. Give yourself time and the room to make mistakes. Reaching goals can take quite a bit of time. Do not beat yourself up about the amount of time it takes to reach your goals either. When you remain flexible, you are allowing yourself to make mistakes, have ample time to reach your goals, and to turn a positive attitude toward your frustration barrier.


When you are trying to break through a frustration barrier, be sure to ask Doug Dvorak CSP, for help. He can teach you how to overcome the frustration barrier and achieve your goals whether they are personal or involve your business.


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