Doug Dvorak's Blog


Take Your Attitude to the Next Latitude with AI – Attitude Intensity

  • Sep 17, 2019

If you’re like most people, you have days where you don’t want to do anything. Your attitude may change throughout the day based on your upcoming activities, as well. For example, you may be quiet and introverted when you have to go to work in the morning and might perk up significantly when you get… Read More »


An Act of Random Kindness

  • Mar 9, 2019

I was sitting in the Sarasota, Florida airport waiting to board my flight and out of the corner of my eye, I see this gentleman come over and sit next to another man in a wheelchair. Meet Shay and Melvin, you know that your act of random kindness volunteered to watch Melvin as his daughter… Read More »


8 Powerful Habits To Help You Develop A Positive Mental Attitude

  • Sep 25, 2017

“The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.” -Chinese Proverb   Every single day we are bombarded by a constant stream of seemingly uncontrollable thoughts. In fact, the average person has about 45,000 negative thoughts a day! That’s 80% of all your thoughts taking up most of your mental real estate. When our… Read More »


Change Your Attitude to Take Yourself to The Next Level of Achievement

  • Jul 19, 2017

If you’re hoping to get to the next level of achievement in your life, whatever that may be, you must be willing and able to make changes to your attitude, emotions and thought processes. This takes time and effort, but it is worth it. Everyone has a bad day now and again, and some people… Read More »


How a Motivational Attitude Breeds Success

  • Jun 19, 2017

Many people focus on their problems and are generally negative in their nature. They don’t mean to, but it seems to happen to people without them even knowing it. Learn how a motivational attitude breeds success. Positivity isn’t just a personality trait because it can affect your body, health, and way of life. It can… Read More »


5 Steps To Improve Your Attitude

  • Jun 5, 2017

It’s possible to retrain your brain to improve your attitude, though it will take some time and it won’t happen overnight. While there are many success stories out there and many people telling you what to do and how to do it, a few simple steps are all you need, though you’ll have to be… Read More »


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