Doug Dvorak's Blog


The 7 Characteristics of Principle-Centered Motivation & Leadership

Are you a leader that practices principle-centered leadership? Principle-centered leadership leads to long-lasting partnerships rooted in integrity between you and your staff. Through a principle-centered framework of leadership, employees will be self-motivated, teachable, and creative. Principled-centered leaders improve morale and the productivity of their staff. What makes a leader worth following? More importantly, what is Principle-Centered leadership?


True motives, effective communication, and relationships often fail when a leader lacks a deep sense of integrity and strength of personality. There are sometimes leaders who have the ability to manipulate their workers through a false sense of charisma. This method of leadership is coercive because it makes someone do what we want and utilizes power through absolute control. It breeds a working climate that could result in high employee turnover, low morale, and an environment of fear.


Principle-centered leadership motivates others by focusing on developing integrity through sound character. It is practiced by an individual’s ability to uphold their values honorably and being committed to the growth of your team. You are only as strong as your weakest link. A principle-centered leader will motivate others around him by working to transform his or her behavior first. If you want to be a principle-centered leader and motivate others around you effectively and honorably, then here are 7 characteristics of principle-centered leadership to keep in mind:


1.Never Stop Learninggirl-at-library

The place to begin is by strengthening your own sense of character. Greatness starts with yourself and spreads out to those you lead. Knowledge comes from understanding that you don’t know everything and that there will always be room for improvement.Constantly enhancing your knowledge with new information will set you apart from others as a leader. Continue to sharpen your tools by working to educate yourself and expanding your realm of experience. Read, seek training, take sales coaching classes, and listen to others with the intent of learning with both your ears and your eyes.


2. Seek to Improve the Lives of Others

Operating under the principle-centered leadership mentality means that you must be intentional and clear with your workers that you sincerely care about their professional growth and well-being. As a leader, you must learn to take responsibility for your team and build strong lines of communication crucial to sound leadership.

You can accomplish this by developing a rapport of trust and empathy through bonding. Ask how they are doing, make efforts to understand their passions and goals in life by being observant and asking meaningful questions. Praise them for the things they do well and communicate the value of their strengths.



3. Radiate a Positive Mental Attitude

quote-on-attitudePositivity begins from within and radiates outwards. Your team will appreciate your cheerfulness and pleasant attitude when you are approachable and happy. A positive mental attitude can help ground you during stressful moments. Think of your optimism and positivity as a shining beacon of light under trying times for your team when they need guidance. People gravitate towards positivity. Strive to be a peacemaker and diffuser of negative energy.  A positive mental attitude is crucial to being a principle-centered leader and an effective management tool.


Related Reading: 8 Powerful Habits To Help You Develop A Positive Mental Attitude.



4. Believe in Others

quote-on-believingPrinciple-centered leadership means having the ability to recognize the strengths of others and learning how to operate from these strengths. Principle-centered leaders are keen at recognizing the strengths of others and rather than keeping individuals from exercising the strengths within areas of weaknesses, principle-centered leaders will focus on celebrating those strengths and seek out changes to assist them in improving. Believing in the unseen potential of others creates a climate of growth and opportunity. This fosters cooperation and consistency.


stones-balancing5. Lead a Life of Balance

A principle-centered leader will understand the value of letting the pendulum swing both ways. They practice self-control and are masters of their emotions by learning to take praise without ego-tripping and accepting blame without losing one’s sense of proportion. They have a mastery of their own reactions. Principle-centered leaders understand that true failure is not learning from experiences. A true leader leads a life of balance so that he can lead effectively in any situation.


Infographic – 9 Areas of Focus to Improve Motivation Levels


6. Believe In Synergysynergy

Principle-centered leadership is grounded in strengthening the development of all members of the team. When the whole is greater than the sum of its parts you are operating synergistically. Teams will operate cohesively and more effectively when they understand why they are doing what they are doing. A principle-centered leader motivates by capitalizing on team endeavors. They are much more adept at delegating when they believe in the strengths and abilities of others.






7. Live A Life of Self Renewal

Goodness flows from the spirit we cultivate within ourselves. Principle-centered leaders understand the importance of rejuvenating and sharpening their physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional well-being because they understand how crucial it is to the success of their personal and professional life. Stay healthy through some sort of cardiovascular activity. Exercise your mind through reading and writing. Strengthen your emotional capacity by being patient and listening to others with genuine empathy. Cultivate spirituality by focusing on meditation, prayer, and study. A principle-centered leader understands how to keep the mind and body sharp because it is crucial to operate and fire on all cylinders.



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