Doug Dvorak’s Blog


How to Handle Stress and Conflict In The Workplace

  • Jan 26, 2016

One of the greatest sources of stress and conflict in the workplace is engagement with co-workers, bosses and/or customers. Here are some tips on how to handle stress and conflict in the workplace. These strategies are designed to resolve conflict at work so that healthy competition stays healthy and strife stays confined to the traffic… Read More »


Chasing Happiness One Step at a Time

  • Jan 4, 2016

With the dawn of a New Year, many people are making resolutions, goals, and promises to propel them into success and happiness in the coming months. In the elusive search for happiness, many people fall flat and end up more miserable than ever before. So what is the true secret to happiness? How can you… Read More »


How to Stay Motivated After the Holidays

  • Dec 29, 2015

Knowing how to stay motivated after the holidays is important. There are so many distractions. From spending extra time with the family, to buying and receiving gifts and even making sure you don’t gain too much weight. Here are some simple ideas to help you stay motivated during this time of the year! 1. STRATEGIZE… Read More »


Organization Motivation Climate Inventory

  • Dec 7, 2015

Use a rating of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest possible score and 10 the highest   Make sure you select an answer for ALL the questions     I rate the organization morale level at: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10   I rate the organization productivity level at: 1 … Read More »


When Life Gives You Lemons Get Motivated

  • Nov 24, 2015

I have been asked by several large corporate management teams what I do when life gives me lemons. I always tell them the same thing, “when life gives you lemons get motivated”. If you can’t get motivated after a something bad happens in your life, your going to lose most of the battles you have… Read More »


If I Ran the World

  • Nov 23, 2015

It is a little presumptuous to come up with such a title, yet all of us have ideas of what we could do to make the world a better place. If I ran the world I would focus on the below to improve my life and the lives of my fellow men and women.  … Read More »

8 Books You Need to Read about Motivation

  • Nov 19, 2015

Having inspirational tools to help you stay motivated can make a huge change in how you think and how you approach plans to meet your own success goals. Hiring a motivational speaker will allow you to learn several new motivational strategies and provide you with an array of motivational tools, if you have the time… Read More »


Change is Simple When You Change Your Mindset

  • Nov 9, 2015

The idea that change is difficult is simply a mindset. If you learn how to change your mindset you can change your life. It all starts with your thoughts. Every thought you have is a direct link to change in your life, or the lack thereof. There are many reasons why your mindset affects whether… Read More »


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