Doug Dvorak’s Blog

Help High School Students Stay Motivated

  • Feb 16, 2015

Use these 3 tips to help high school students get and stay motivated throughout their teen years.   Parents can tend to go into a bit of shock when their children reach their teen years. They are suddenly faced with this “stranger” with attitude and total lack of drive. Finding ways to keep teens motivated… Read More »

Learn Secrets to Overcome Negativity and Boost Your Levels of Motivation

  • Feb 9, 2015

It is common for people to hit a negative slump. Learn 3 secrets to overcome negativity and boost your motivational levels. The key is to keep from letting the negativity take over your life. When life seems like it is a constant up-hill battle, giving up may seem like the only solution. In reality, you… Read More »

Collaboration Between the Client and Their Motivational Speaker

  • Feb 4, 2015

In order to capture your audience you must first capture your client. Building a relationship with your client will be key to having an extra-ordinary event. If your relationship with your client is strong, they in turn will spread that captivity along to the participants (audience) giving you great recognition and an identity among your… Read More »

Adopt Successful Habits in Order to Succeed

  • Feb 4, 2015

If your goal is to be successful, whether in life or business, it is imperative that you adopt successful habits. When you change your habits from bad to better, you have a much better chance of succeeding. Of course understanding that you also must adopt good habits in order to succeed is easy. But this… Read More »

meditation and motivation

Meditate to Find Motivation with Motivational Speaker Doug Dvorak

  • Jan 26, 2015

The art of silencing the mind is called meditation. Silence allows you to concentrate better and feel inner peace even amongst turmoil. One of the main reasons that people enjoy meditation is because it brings them inner peace and allows them to build motivation. Motivation and mediation go hand in hand. When you experience one,… Read More »

Use Motivational Techniques that Work

  • Jan 19, 2015

Everyone has their own idea concerning motivation. A lot of times motivation techniques may work well for some and not work at all for others. The idea is to understand how to find motivation strategies that work for you. Consider that you actually are the self-motivation resource and strategy needed to get your life back… Read More »

Life is Short – Become Your Own Agent of Change to Improve Your Life

  • Jan 13, 2015

One of the hardest things to do in life is change. It is not impossible, however. You are the number one change agent that can motivate yourself to make changes in your life. Motivation needs to be renewed so it does not become a struggle to continue to stay on a positive path. This does… Read More »

How Can You Pick Your Own Brain to Become Self Motivated?

  • Jan 5, 2015

Everyone has the ability to become self motivated. Increasing your motivation can be accomplished simply by thinking about it. After all, motivation is not just a psychological state, it is also biochemical. There are a few scientific tricks that can be used to increase your motivation. Simply pick your own brain on how to motivate yourself to… Read More »


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