Doug Dvorak’s Blog

10 Ways to Come Out on Top After a Major Setback

Categories Uncategorized
  • Apr 28, 2021

As is the case with everyday life, there are always unforseen setbacks in the world of business. They are an ever-present part of the human condition but in either scenario, it is how you overcome these hurdles that really matters.   After a setback, many people allow themselves to feel unmotivated, disappointed or even angry… Read More »

How Setting Smaller Goals can Yield Big-Time Success

Categories Uncategorized
  • Apr 1, 2021

On the road to success, goal-setting is critical when it comes to defining the steps you need to take to get there.   As stated by many top motivational speakers, setting goals helps you to stay focused, on target and heading in the right direction. However, it is important to note that not all goals… Read More »

How to Succeed in the Face of Change

  • Mar 10, 2021

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, our world has become one of change and uncertainty. There isn’t anyone on Earth who hasn’t been forced to adapt to a new way of life due to the New Normal created by the pandemic.   As any motivational speaker will tell you, success in business goes hand… Read More »

10 Tips for a Positive 2021

  • Jan 21, 2021

Last year was a painful one for all of us. With the pandemic and all its effects (economic crisis, riots, etc.) had us feeling like the world was falling apart. After a year like that, every motivational online speaker will tell you that it is normal to feel unmotivated. But now that we are leaving… Read More »

Motivational Rules for Your Life and Business

  • Jul 29, 2020

Many people believe motivation is either something you have or it’s something you don’t. Some believe you’re born with it while others believe the right set of circumstances will motivate even the most unmotivated.   In fact, motivation is anything but either of those options. First, motivation is a choice that everyone makes either consciously… Read More »

How to Turn Unmotivated into Motivated

  • Jul 22, 2020

It is not at all uncommon to hear unmotivated people complain about their job being or that they are stuck in a rut. Invariably, they believe that if they could just get the right break, their life would be different.   Day in and day out, these individuals just go through the motions, often not… Read More »

Top 5 Reasons Why Motivational Speakers are Needed More Than Ever

  • Jul 8, 2020

From the C-Suite to the administrative staff, every company in America faces an uphill climb when it comes to motivating their employees in the COVID era.   Whether they’re working from home or socially distancing in hollowed out office spaces, the emotional toll exacted on the American worker by the pandemic has been – and… Read More »

Motivation in the Time of COVID

  • Jul 1, 2020

Now that we’re all firmly in work-from-home mode, many of us are struggling to have the same connection to our work that we had pre-COVID.   While working remotely was once considered a perk for fortunate employees at some of America’s more forward-thinking companies, it’s a whole different ball game when it becomes required for… Read More »


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