Doug Dvorak’s Blog

The 4 Factors of Learning – Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills, and Habits (KASH)

  • Oct 20, 2017

Each individual has a set of unique characteristics and habits of learning that have taken them to where they are in their life. People often refer to KASH which is an abbreviation of knowledge, attitude, skills, and habits. These factors go hand-and-hand with how well we succeed in our personal and professional lives. However, we… Read More »


How To Shift Your Motivational Paradigm

  • Oct 6, 2017

What exactly is a paradigm shift and why is it important? The word paradigm comes from the Greek word “paradeigma” and refers to a set of patterns, methods, or systemic models within a discipline. However, in today’s world, the phrase is used to represent an individual’s learned values, habits, and overall outlook about the world.… Read More »


8 Powerful Habits To Help You Develop A Positive Mental Attitude

  • Sep 25, 2017

“The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master.” -Chinese Proverb   Every single day we are bombarded by a constant stream of seemingly uncontrollable thoughts. In fact, the average person has about 45,000 negative thoughts a day! That’s 80% of all your thoughts taking up most of your mental real estate. When our… Read More »


How You Can Stay Up In Down Times

  • Sep 5, 2017

  It is so much easier to be positive when life is going well. When things start going downhill, such as when you lose your job or lose someone special, it can make it much harder to be positive. In many cases, it doesn’t even have to be a significant problem to cause you to… Read More »


Principle Centered Leadership – Motivating Employee’s

  • Aug 30, 2017

A manipulative leader may have the ability to coerce their workers into doing what they want but the leader who genuinely cares about the welfare of his workers will have individuals who’ll go the distance to make sure a leader’s vision becomes a reality. A strong leader knows that it takes a team effort to… Read More »


Crossing the Motivation Chasm – How to Build a Bridge Between Motivation & Success with These Simple Goal Setting Tips

  • Aug 15, 2017

Goal setting. It is something which everyone attempts to do, yet only a couple of people actually make it work. The challenge that most individuals face is dedicating themselves to the desired results they enjoy having. As soon as you start your journey to achieve your set goals, hurdles and obstacles arise, and that is… Read More »


16 Things You Can Do To Stay Motivated

  • Jul 28, 2017

  The best way to accomplish one thing after another is to stay motivated. Sometimes it is easy to get motivated but we find ourselves unmotivated to finish somewhere along the way. Motivational levels are always changing. When life gets hard, your character is defined and built. It is important to have some go to… Read More »


Change Your Attitude to Take Yourself to The Next Level of Achievement

  • Jul 19, 2017

If you’re hoping to get to the next level of achievement in your life, whatever that may be, you must be willing and able to make changes to your attitude, emotions and thought processes. This takes time and effort, but it is worth it. Everyone has a bad day now and again, and some people… Read More »


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