Doug Dvorak’s Blog


4 Hard Truths of Motivation

  • Feb 22, 2019

Understand The Hard Truths of Motivation For most people, motivation can seem like a big secret that only a handful of people know about. The fact is that there aren’t any secrets, just hard truths when it comes to motivation. Motivation can be an elusive concept for most people. For some, motivation comes easily and… Read More »

The Power of Motivational Habits

The Power of Motivational Habits

  • Jan 21, 2019

Harnessing The Power of Motivational Habits Have you ever known people who constantly work toward their goals and succeed? Do you know people who can juggle all the challenges of life while still achieving growth, both in their personal and career lives? If you know these types of people, you can be sure that they… Read More »

The Magic of Motivational Thinking

The Magic of Motivational Thinking

  • Jan 8, 2019

The magic of motivational thinking can completely transform your life, bring in new opportunities, and new ways of thinking. The magic lies in how your thoughts can turn dreams into reality, but it takes more than a little day dreaming to make them come true. Motivational thinking is made up of equal parts willpower, discipline,… Read More »

5 Types of Motivation

5 Types of Motivation – What is the Best Motivator for You?

  • Dec 21, 2018

The Best Motivator is The One That Works For You We are all motivated by a unique force that drives us to achieve and become more than what we already are. Have you ever wondered what the best motivator in the world is? Many people do, and the problem is that there isn’t a perfect… Read More »

How To Be a Better Motivational Leader

How To Be a Better Motivational Leader

  • Dec 3, 2018

What Do You Need To Be a Better Motivational Leader? You don’t have to speak to thousands of people to be a better motivational leader. Great leaders are everywhere; from our friends, teachers, managers or supervisors, motivational leaders inspire us to be the best version of ourselves. Everyone, regardless of their background has what it… Read More »


5 Skills That Promote a Positive Mental Attitude

  • Nov 8, 2018

Promote a Positive Mental Attitude to Reframe Your Life  A positive attitude is an important asset in both your personal and your professional life. The ability to reframe your situation and discover different ways of thinking in order to feel good about a situation or circumstance is an important skill that not only promotes a… Read More »


6 Motivational Tips to Help Millennials Succeed In Their Professional Career

  • Oct 30, 2018

Motivational Tips To Help Millennials Succeed in Their Professionals Career   Millennials are fast becoming the largest generation in the United States. According to the Pew Research Center, the number of Millennials will officially overtake the number of Baby Boomers in the USA in 2019. They define Millennials as those people between the ages of… Read More »


12 Motivational Success Mantras That Inspire Positive Thinking and Growth

  • Oct 8, 2018

Powerful Success Mantras for Motivation Language creates reality. The words we use hold great power over how we view ourselves and the environment around us. A motivational success mantra can be a powerful way to promote positive thinking, encouragement, and healing. A mantra is a slogan or statement that can remind you to think positively… Read More »


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