Doug Dvorak's Blog

Top 10 Podcasts to Boost Motivation

  • May 19, 2022

With the events of the past few years, it has been more difficult than ever to get motivated and stay motivated. We are all looking for ways to overcome the sense of malaise caused by the pandemic and other catastrophes. For many, a good solution is finding the right motivational podcast to listen to. Here… Read More »

Top 5 Ways to Manage Your Time More Efficiently

  • May 13, 2022

While most people want to manage their time more effectively, learning to manage your busy day-to-day life is no easy task.   With more distractions in our daily lives than ever before, it is more difficult than it has ever been to stay on task and get things done. However, if you utilize these five… Read More »

How to Find and Sustain your Motivation

  • Apr 29, 2022

To avoid getting stuck in a rut, it is not uncommon for people to look for ways to mix things up and change their daily routines. Trying new things and setting fresh goals is a great way to stay motivated but, it takes a certain amount of motivation just to start making these changes.  … Read More »

Top 10 Ways to Motivate Yourself and Everyone Around You

  • Apr 18, 2022

To get the best possible results out of your life and career, you need to be motivated and have the will to keep going no matter the obstacle. If you can find the will, you will be able to find the motivation to succeed. Mastering motivation should be your key objective.   Below are 10… Read More »

Awaken the Motivational Giant Within

  • Mar 30, 2022

If you have ever had a conversation with someone who is successful – perhaps a sought-after healthcare industry speaker or an industry leading pharmaceutical industry speaker – then you already are aware that they bring a different attitude to the table than those who are still struggling to find their place in the world.  … Read More »

How to do Well by Doing Good

  • Mar 8, 2022

Can companies really do well by doing good? It is a frequently asked question rooted in the theory that by offering goods and services that benefit society as a whole, companies will gain an edge over their less socially conscious competitors.   This approach can provide many benefits for a company. If a company can… Read More »

Get Your Organization Buzzing with the Right Motivational Speaker

  • Feb 18, 2022

A motivational speaker can help create excitement within an organization by utilizing their own sense of humor and personal experience during a presentation.   To do this, the speaker must present on subjects that have been given the stamp of approval by the person planning the event or other stakeholders. Then, of course, they need… Read More »

How Humor is Used by Motivational Speakers to Transform Meetings

  • Dec 22, 2021

Humor is very powerful. There is nothing subtle about the effects of humor as its effects are distinctly and immediately visible. Humor converts defeat into victory and a humorous person – such as a humorous motivational speaker – is a winner everywhere they go. Laughter is hailed as one of the highest and most endearing… Read More »

Laugh Your Way to Health and Prosperity

  • Nov 26, 2021

There’s nothing funny about being diagnosed with cancer, your dad falling to his death from a third-floor window and your wife (and the authorities) highly recommending that you get sober!   But that is what May 1998 looked like for me. I needed an alternative to cope with the curve balls life was throwing at… Read More »

Top 10 Most Powerful Motivational Thoughts

  • Oct 28, 2021

Are you struggling to find motivation to achieve a major goal or tackle a big project that you have been working on forever? If you need help drumming up some extra passion to push through, check out these 10 powerful motivational thoughts and refer to them anytime you are struggling.   Leading motivational speakers and motivational coaches recommend… Read More »


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