Doug Dvorak's Blog


Motivating Factors: How To Create A More Productive Team

If you want to learn how to create a more productive team, then you may want to consider the four primary motivating factors and determine the best way for you to implement them. They include leadership styles, reward systems, organizational climate and work structure, and each one is important if you want your sales team to work together and make money for the company.


Leadership Styles

Many times, the leaders you choose to clash with the team members. This can lead employees to dislike their job, quit, cause trouble and more. Therefore, you may need to consider the style of leadership your managers use and either help them improve or find new managers. Sometimes, all it takes is for employees to feel respected and knowledgeable, similar to their manager.



Reward Systems

It is always important to give rewards to those who do a good job, but you shouldn’t make the rewards unattainable. Everyone who tries should get something, but those who excel should get more.

Therefore, it may make sense to increase the frequency of rewards or increase the size of the prize, such as tickets to popular outings, more money or bonuses.


Organizational Climate

The organizational climate can be a little difficult to determine, but it’s the basis for people coming to work and enjoying their time. If people don’t like the style, layout or feelings they get while they work, they’ll be less productive and may call off sick or quit after a few short months (or weeks). Make it an issue that everyone must be respectful to everyone else and have serious repercussions if disrespect is noticed. After a while, people will start being respectful without noticing it and things will calm down.




Work Structure

It is important that the work your employees do is of value to the company and involves many things, such as communication, interactions, and negotiations.

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